fittings and hose lines
for centralised lubrication systems
Almost every technical procedure that deals with moving machine parts, both rotating and shifting towards each other, causes friction that leads to a loss of efficiency. To keep those losses as low as possible it is necessary to provide those machine parts constantly with a lubricant. Those lubricating processes can be realized with the help of a so-called centralized lubrication system.
That is why centralized lubrication systems are being used with machine parts and system elements of all kinds.
It is not the mechanical friction that reduces the efficiency but the continuous friction causes abrasion on machine structures which then sooner or later leads to a limitation of function and to machines, units and utility vehicles wearing out.
Depending on its structure, function and the choice of its lubricant a centralized lubrication system is capable of realizing a special method of lubricating.
Besides the processes known as consumption and circular lubrication and the splash and lifetime lubrication processes the centralized lubrication system is needed in practice. It realizes a certain approach of lubricating.
The centralized lubrication system consists of differing function-specific components that use their complexity to serve their purpose. The basic part and central element of a centralized lubrication system is an efficient combination of pumps. Their task is to transport the lubricant where it is needed. The pumps are supported by a technical device called lubricant distributor. To fulfill this task both focused and continuously it is necessary that the central unit is subject to a function control. By developing and using reliable software and electronic devices the centralized lubrication system is run by a computer software system that works precisely. To transfer the data between the units they are all wired. Besides, to transport the lubricant it is crucial to have a system of pipes and connections linked to metering units. Screw fitting elements and assembly components are used to link the different machine parts and the centralized lubrication system.
To evenly perform the lubrication of machines and assets the unit for centralized lubrication is activated during operation. The reason for this is that with the help of the right amount of a lubricant of the right quality machines and devices can be lubricated much more easily and efficiently.
Automatic operation of a centralized lubrication system is always dependent of the specific areas of application and adjusted to the required measures. Not all operating ranges use the same centralized lubrication systems. Especially the methods of the pumps in use deviate from each other. A centralized lubrication system containing two excellence pumps is usually used in rolling mills and sawmills for wood processing.
When a centralized lubrication system is designed for the supply of mobile devices like tractors, combines or excavators the producers usually equip them with progressively working pumps. The progressive pumps are able to transfer the lubricant continuously in the same way.
The advantages of centralized lubrication systems are the reason why they are usually used where lubrication is needed at different positions. Since centralized lubrication is an important economical factor it is used in more and more cases. To equip utility vehicles with a lubrication system that meets their special demands centralized lubrication systems are equipped with so-called piston pumps. The results of using those piston pumps are shorter downtimes and fewer repairs. The combination of a centralized lubrication system and piston pumps is also currently used in modern bio gas plants. This variation offers the best conditions with regard to maintenance and operation if you want to use the energy sources continually. To secure a smooth operation the centralized lubrication systems are also run on an automatic function. The technology is also known for being able to save up to 45 % of the lubricant.
The efficiency of a centralized lubrication system depends of many factors. Besides the different types of systems that are offered and are practically relevant the lubricants being used play a central role and so do the existing equipment conditions in which the centralized lubrication system is being used. This might refer to something like the existing exhaust gas systems.
In practice, different centralized lubrication system are being used but typical examples are the 24 V or 230/380 V pumping units running on line current. The type of system being used is often dependent of the capacity of the pump tank. These parameters might be in an area between 2 kg and 48 kg, for example. The reliability of a centralized lubrication system working with air pressures up to 300 bar is influenced by the distribution of the lubricant, as well. It is determined by the chosen model of the pump. If it is a progressive pump the lubricant is constantly transported to the lubricating point by using a mechanical force coming from the pump that always transports the lubricant in the same way.
More Information:
Centralised Lubrication Systems